Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk
German nobleman, jurist, and senior Nazi government official (1887-1977)

- Born: 1887-08-22 (Rathmannsdorf)
- Died: 1977-04-03 1977-03-04 (Essen)
- Country of citizenship: German Empire; Germany; Nazi Germany; Weimar Republic
- Occupation: diplomat; economist; jurist; military personnel; politician
- Member of political party: Nazi Party (since: 1937-01-30)
- Participant in: Aryanization; Ministries Trial (role: defendant); Nuremberg Medical Trial (date: 1947-02-06; role: affiant)
- Significant person: Karl Brandt (role: acquaintance)
- Position held: Chancellor of Germany (period: 1945-05-01 through 1945-05-23; replaced by: Konrad Adenauer; replaces: Joseph Goebbels); Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs (period: 1945-05-02 through 1945-05-23; replaces: Arthur Seyss-Inquart); German Foreign Minister (period: 1945-05-02 through 1945-05-23; replaced by: Georg Dertinger; replaces: Arthur Seyss-Inquart); Leading Minister (period: 1945-05-01 through 1945-05-23); Reich Minister of Finance (member of cabinet: Hitler Cabinet, Papen cabinet, Schleicher cabinet; period: 1932-06-02 through 1932-12-03, 1932-12-03 through 1933-01-30, 1933-01-30 through 1945-05-23; replaced by: Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk,; replaces: Hermann Dietrich, Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk)
- Educated at: Klosterschule Roßleben; Oriel College; University of Halle-Wittenberg; University of Lausanne
- Place of detention: Nuremberg Court Prison (date: 1947-02-06)
- Spouse: Ehrengard von Plettenberg
- WorldCat Identities ID:
- Library of Congress authority ID: